What’s on the way from RICH Learning?
An ensemble cast of crazy alien virtual tutors, animals and time-traveling cartoon characters is ready to take you on a RICH Learning adventure that is out of this world! Join the RICH World of neurology meets the arts in 2D (with your cell phone, tablet or computer screen) or in full 3D with an AI/AR/VR/5G/HD “help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope” haptic, holographic LLM virtual tutor friends.
If you would enjoy information on this as it develops and an invitation to possibly pilot Beta versions before they launch, sign in below:
The first three brave new RICH Metaverse worlds in design include:
Gather on earth with a team of six international friends of your choosing. Build yourself a personal avatar and a dragon ship. Then hyperspace to an amazing crystal space station floating in an asteroid belt outside the Hidden Forbidden Planet of Indigonium. Once you land in the City of Six Towers, you and your MetaEduNaught friends will be met by Prince Ka-An, Baby Silkworm and an eclectic cadre of alien AI MetaTutors who will teach you how to hack:
English (36 tricks to quick mastery of the language)
Math (36 mind-hacks to quick mastery of the concepts)
Science (36 insights into the macro and micro of space, energy, time and mass)
Health (36 simple and profound tips for a lifetime of mental, emotional and physical resilience)
Virtue (36 insights into a life of meaning-making for yourself, your family and your world)
The Arts (36 hacks from piano to painting to acting to improv to hiphop to ballroom dance to Broadway)’’
Take English for starts:
How can 26 letters make 52 sounds with 76 graphemes? That’s insane! How can Greek, Latin, Germanic, Celtic, Nordic and French blend together into anything that makes any sense? There are just too many rules. And half of the rules don’t always apply.
Impossible, right?
Not with the help of your AI MetaTutors, a team of six MetaEduNaut friends, and the neurologically designed songs, games, art and team challenges built into your new learning world. Complete your first tasks and you’ll earn gemstones enough to rent your own asteroid. Start building a home and collect pets, furniture, art.
Ascend all 36 levels of each tower and you’ll no long rent your asteroid. You’ll OWN it and be next in line to stake claim to new lands opening up on the Hidden Forbidden Planet of Indigonium. (Rumor has it that Emperor Ka will soon make his mysterious home world available to a handful of virtuous, proven and wise aliens like you and your friends.)
Visit www.babysilkworm.com to learn the back story that will build this world.
Meet some of your AI Tutors and Guides in the City of Six Towers
Welcome to the craziest preschool of the performing arts on the planet. Enroll by signing in and building yourself a personal cartoon avatar. Enter the high-tech hexagonal spaces with Patrick Isidore Patterson (Pip) and an ensemble cast of comical cartoon animal tutors. Join Pip and friends from all over the world as they teach 36 weeks and 15 domains of learning with 535 songs, games, dances, art projects and sign language challenges. Each week starts with a song about:
Languages (Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic to start)
Life Skills
After that come the dances, games, art projects, and team challenges to help you immerse yourself through RICH Learning.
In this magical self-directed AND child-directed space, you’ll not only learn the 500+ lessons above. You’ll learn intangibles like: Confidence. Competence. Curiosity. Collaboration. Connections. Creativity. And you’ll create a child - or adult - in love with learning for the rest of their life.
Visit www.preskool.tv/home to check out the scope-and-sequence of the curriculum and listen to some of the songs. There you will also learn more about the feature film SKOOL and the back story of this amazing child’s world. Below take a peak at some of your AIChatBot Tutors.
Fly through a hidden portal at Near East University in Northern Cyprus. Meet inventors and innovators when they were your age. Discover inventions from any time and place you wish. Apply these ancient innovations to modern science, tech and engineering as you design, create and innovate your own machines, buildings, tools and vehicles with your friends.
Along with a little history, geography and international perspective, this world will send you on advanced challenges in the areas of:
Technology (Including experiments in blockchain,
Engineering (Including AI design, modeling, city-building)
Art Creation (Minting NFTs as you go)
Math (With a little FinTech built in)
To unveil this world, the screenplay for the feature film “Tamer and the Metaverse” is being polished. It’s “Back to the Future” meets “Patch Adams” with a little “Aladdin” thrown in for fun. Subscribe below to keep up on what we’re creating in this RICH Metaverse world.