We design dazzling, fun and infectious optimal learning environments for the curious human brain.
How do we do this? First, we study the neurology of learning from a molecular, cellular, structural, bodily and environmental basis to determine how the human brain learns best.
Take a look at the brain scans below. Which brain would you rather teach?
In the brain-scan on the left above, note how only about 1/4 of the brain is awake and active after 20 minutes of sitting. The linguistic and phonics centers above the left ear are mildly active and ready to learn. Now notice the scan on the right. More than 3/4 of the brain is wide awake and ready to learn after 20 minutes of movement. Most of what was mildly active prior to exercise is now red-hot to learn!
What does this mean? Getting your body pumped up prior to learning engages significantly more of the brain in the process.
Second, we design music, dance, art, theater, motion, emotion and games into the learning process to deliver significantly more…
Oxygen - Focus, Attention
Glucose - Brain Fuel, Retention
Dopamine - Learning Rewards, Pleasure
Adrenaline - Wakefulness, Stamps Learning from Short to Long Term
Noradrenaline - Increased Blood Flow to Brain, Focus, Attention
BDNF - Nerve fertilizer fostering the creation of more neurons, more connections on the neurons and more receptors on the connections on the nerve cells
And significantly less Cortisol - Less stress, better sleep, less cellular inflammation, better immunology, less irritability, better memory consolidation and a whole lot more!
Third, we test our hypothesis on real children in multiple settings. Before COVID hit, we created living laboratories to pilot and tweak our methods, models and materials. We did our R&D in suburban Minneapolis, inner-city Chennai, India, the countryside town of Shashamane, Ethiopia, and rural South Carolina.
Fourth, we embrace the latest technologies and to define, design and redesign delivery systems on gaming platforms as portals for our new learning worlds. On all platforms, our MetaEduNauts will be guided by child-safe cartoon ChatBot AI Tutors. In essence, each child - or adult - will enjoy the company of a private teaching coach who studies how they learn best and leads them through our songs, games, dance, art and theater towards early success and eventual mastery.
“Getting kids on stage to succeed quickly was one of the secrets to our success,” says RICH Learning’s CEO Dzana Homan, former CEO at School of Rock. “Turns out, it’s also fantastic motivation and brilliant neurology!”
Along with delivery on the simple 2D platforms for mobile phones, tablets, computers and televisions, RLG is designing Metaversal platforms for a future that Dr. Rich calls: “The 3D/HG/AR/AI/VR/XR/6G ‘Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope’ haptic holographic gaming worlds”.
Finally, we’re studying the neurology of sleep and creating engaging parent dashboards to add multigenerational fun and an “every night in every home” component to RICH Learning.
“Reviewing new concepts right before sleep facilitates optimal memory consolidation and cross-brain creativity between the REM and Deep Sleep cycles,” says Dr. Rich. “We’re going to help parents, grandparents and primary care-givers by giving them the tools to harness the power of the sleeping brain to pour accelerant on the innovative powers of the waking brain.”
“You gotta open the kid before you open the book.”