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What is fun? How might it impact learning? Enjoy this interview with Arron Goolsbey, COO of Mythical Games on the Neurology of Fun.
Dr. Rich interviews Harvard’s Dr. John Ratey, author of the book that brought ADD/ADHD to world awareness. (Driven to Distraction). Learn how movement, motion, and emotion combine to bring maximum attention, retention, creativity, curiosity and collaboration into the learning process.
Homeschooling with the Arts (at the core)
What would homeschooling look like if the Arts were placed at the heart of ALL education - not on the sidelines?
Join Dr. Rich and Virginia Mother of the Year 2024 and founder of The Well Educated Heart, Marlene Peterson. In 30 minutes with Marlene, we’ll learn how the desire to learn any subject begins in the heart and is sparked best by stories, music, imagery, and poetry — the Arts.
Music, Mindfulness and Healing
Can music heal? Calm? Enhance memory consolidation? Improve cognitive function in individuals with Alzheimer's disease and Dementia?
Join Dr. Rich and the composer of the Oscar-Winning Short “West Bank Story” Yuval Ron in a discussion about his MIT study on 40 Hz music improving cognitive tasks, working memory, visual attention, and reaction time. In this interview you’ll learn the science of reducing depression, anxiety and cleaning out the gunk that contributes to deterioration of the aging brain.
May 14: the neurology of music
Ever wondered why you can remember a song from when you were 5-years-old but can’t remember where you put your car keys five minutes ago? Or why a person who stutters has no problem singing? What does music do for (and to and with the brain and the body) that no other learning technique can do?
Meet Dr. Ani Patel, author of "Music, Language and the Brain, ”and learn about his OPERA Hypothesis (overlap, precision, emotion, repetition, attention) to understand why music is such a powerful learning tool. How can you leverage the powers of music to maximize attention, retention, confidence, competence and creativity in the human brain - from womb to toddlers to teens to Alzheimers units?
May 7: What is NeuroEducation?
Dr. Mariale Hardiman, founder of the NeuroEducation Initiative at Johns Hopkins University, explains the power of arts integration from neuroeducational science perspective on the May 7 inaugural edition of “Tuesdays at Two: RICH Learning Live”.